Be sure to check out the first Trailbound Ladies Ride & Campout event taking place September 10-11 in Ririe, Idaho! This free event, focused o...
Start by washing the filter oiled with petroleum in solvent or gasoline. Follow up with an
additional wash with dish soap and luke-warm water to ensure all the petroleum oil is removed.
Rinse filter thoroughly in water and let dry. Once dry No-Toil foam filter oil can be applied!
Yes, filters can be oiled then stored for later use. We highly recommend storing any filter in a
dark cool place. As heat and sunlight harsh to all foam types.
To clean an air filter treated with No-Toil filter oil, start with 1/4 cup of No-Toil filter cleaner in 1
gallon of warm water. Let the filter soak for a few minutes, then agitate the filter. Within
minutes your filter will be clean. Rinse thoroughly with water and let dry